Contact Us

    Please click "I Agree" button after filled in blanks required.
    *If necessary informations are not written, we may not be able to respond to inquiries.

    Required Contents

    About purchase of Palccoat productsCoating request / quotationInquiryOthers

    Required Name

    Ex: Taro Yamada

    Any Company name

    Ex:SOUMA Co,.ltd.

    Required Mail Address

    Required Tel


    Any FAX


    Any Cell Phone


    Any Address

    Ex:2-1-11 Ryogoku,Sumida-ku Tokyo

    Any Preferred date for meeting reservation
    ※Its required if you would like to visit.
    Please call us for reservations.

    First choice
    Second choice
    Third choice

    Required Message body

    Please inform us in detailed as possible.


    Please go to a confirmation screen, after carefully have read "a use of rule" and agreed it.
    For your notice, this inquiry is not applied with encrypted communication. Please understand beforehand.

    Agreement Form for Handling Personal Information

    Our company will handle your personal information and has established the following guidelines to ensure its protection.

    [Purpose of Use]

    To respond to inquiries.

    [Provision to Third Parties]

    Our company will not provide your personal information to third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

    [Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information]

    For the purpose of providing better services to our customers, our company may outsource part of its operations to external parties, including the handling of personal information. In such cases, we will select outsourcing partners who are recognized as handling personal information appropriately and will implement necessary measures to prevent the leakage of your personal information through appropriate management, such as by concluding contracts that stipulate proper management and confidentiality.

    [Voluntariness of Providing Personal Information]

    Providing your personal information to our company is voluntary. However, please note that if you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to respond or provide services.

    [Request for Disclosure of Personal Information]

    If you need notification of the purpose of use, disclosure (including disclosure of records of provision to third parties), correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties regarding personal data held by our company, please contact the following:

    [Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information]

    Call +81-3-5638-3839

    Personal Information Protection Manager: Yukinobu Nemoto

    I Agree(Required)