PALCCOAT Group Promise

  1. Specialist in both technology and knowledge
    We will teach the theory, principle, history, etc. of photocatalysts, and train professional technicians through technical training.
  2. Confidence with particular technology and method
    Upon receiving a detailed coating construction completion report from a certified technician, the headquarters will collectively manage all properties, and the headquarters will responsibly issue a coating certification.
  4. Trust is the best service
    We strive for responsible coating construction and sincere after-sales service, and carry out reliable business.
  5. Failure case study is also an important asset
    We share various case studies accumulated over many years, constantly strive for improvement, and keep updating the best technical information.
  6. Opening the future with further research and challenges
    PALCCOAT will deepen cooperation with the Photocatalyst Industry Association of Japan (PIAJ) and various research institutes, and will continue research and development for further technological improvement.

PALCCOAT network

PALCCOAT Group is organized of a general headquarters, a district headquarters, a construction agency, and a sales partner.

Part of PALC COAT Group company

Inno-Fame Ltd The distributor in Hong Kong
Nano-Zone Eco Environments Ltd The distributor in Hong Kong
Global Maeda The distributor in Saudi Arabia
V3 Builders Sdn Bhd. The distributor in Malaysia
株式会社サリアプラネット 住空間室内施工の正規代理店
日清紡績株式会社(東京都中央区) NTTの電報「ブリザーブドフラワー電報」にPALCCOATを採用。現在販売中
株式会社エルゼ(福岡県北九州市) 全国に展開するクリーニングチェーン 衣類へのオプション加工が大人気
合同会社プロジェクトエイム(東京都墨田区) スターゼン株式会社(食肉加工所 / 洗浄および光触媒コーティング 青森県)
エンゼルハウス(千葉県千葉市) 良い家で安心して永く住める家を・・・PALCCOATをオプション採用
株式会社ガス檢 ガス会社、貯槽タンクの汚れ防止にパルコート採用
ティーエス・サービス株式会社 建物のリフォームや塗り替えに合わせて光触媒コーティングを展開