Nobel Prize
Professor Domen's innovation involves the development of micro-particle photocatalysts, such as those made with zinc oxide, which are fixed onto sheets to create a system capable of generating hydrogen directly from water using only sunlight. This revolutionary technology has the potential to form the foundation of a hydrogen-powered society, with applications extending to industrial material production in the future.
Currently, Professor Domen’s research team is planning to build a large-scale demonstration system spanning approximately 5,000 square meters in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, by 2026. Commenting on his progress, Professor Domen remarked, "We’ve reached what feels like the 5th or 6th station on this journey. Moving forward, we will strengthen collaborations with industry to accelerate research and development for practical implementation."
At SOUMA CO., LTD., we actively monitor advancements in cutting-edge technologies like Professor Domen’s, while striving to identify ways our business can contribute to the realization of such transformative innovations.
Source: The Nikkei, “Professor Isao Domen of Shinshu University Wins Clarivate Citation Laureate Award for Solar Hydrogen Technology” (September 30, 2024)